beyond the secret
Don and Melinda Boyer - Creators
Don and Melinda Boyer are International Speakers, published authors of over thirty-five books, have published seven major motivational documentaries featuring bestselling authors like Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Marie Diamond and many others.

They are founders of seven name brand companies, including the Mentorship Certification Board, The Power of Mentorship, Covenant Seed Publishing, Co-Founders of The Carnegie Principle Membership, the Intention Leaders, The Millionaire Speakers Bootcamp Training and Home Study Course, and the One Year Mentorship Program. A few of their hit movies they have produced are “The Power of Mentorship-the Movie”, “The Art of Business in the 21st Century”, “The Journey”, “Predictable Wealth”, the “Knowing”, and the “Magic of Membership”. As of date, they have over 300,000 printed copies of their books, movies, and programs in the marketplace globally. As proficient writers, speakers and teachers, they have honed their skills to help people reach their dreams.