donna a.
Donna A. Hampshire, UK.
My coach is amazing - having always known exactly what to say and when, with such depth of knowledge and given with such love and kindness. I realized due to my limiting beliefs I had held myself back in business, by not being able to give up control of running the freight operations. Today I gave up that control, empowered my staff and look forward to concentrating on sales. I estimate I will triple my income having been empowered by this decision.
I have seen the most beautiful relationship blossom in front of my very eyes, as a person who was full of anger, resentment, bitterness, skepticism, self-sacrifice, and fear has taken on and understood with great clarity the laws of attraction. They now propose a relationship that is whole, lived in joy, from happiness within and with adoration. With clear understanding that only people who have found true alignment with source energy can have whole relationships, he is also touching other lives. The miracles are happening daily.
I have been estranged from my brother for 15 years, I have not seen his children since they were 3 months old and 3 years old. They are now 15 and 17 and our parents have not seen us or our families together for that time. In two weeks we are to meet them as a surprise to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. This will be a day of great joy.
I had a very dear friend who was like a second mother, we became estranged after some difficulties when I employed her daughter. We had not really spoken in 7 years In the last two months having sent her the SECRET, she has written saying she regrets what happened and has continued to think about me daily and there is now great hope for our future relationship.
I have decided to write a book about my journey.
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.