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Dr. Paul 


Dr. Paul Jenkins

Dr. Paul Jenkins is a clinical psychologist specializing in the science and practice of positivity. 


As a coach, keynote speaker, trainer, author, and host of a popular podcast and YouTube channel, Dr. Paul empowers individuals, families, and influencers to go far beyond traditional therapy or positive thinking programs to create and live the life they love through powerful positive psychology coaching processes.

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For three decades now, Dr. Paul's clients and colleagues, family and friends, have accused him of being pathologically positive. He decided to embrace that title as the theme of his practice (and the title of his first book). 


Pathological?  From a psychological perspective the word “pathological” means disordered, disconnected from reality, crazy. It may sound a little crazy to consider the possibility that we can take a positive position – no matter what! You will see very quickly from this model exactly how and why that is possible.

The word “pathological” also means compulsively driven, as in the phrase, “pathological liar.” They just can’t stop themselves from doing it. One who is pathologically positive has a dogged determination to find or create the positive in every life circumstance, no matter how difficult it may be.


What happens when everyone in an organization becomes pathologically positive? People experience a higher level of joy and satisfaction, relationships improve, problems are solved, innovation happens, stuff gets done, life gets better.

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