elsie l.m.

Elsie L. M.
It was the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 when I’d finally awaken. What took me so long? I’d been telling God I’ve been ready to go home for years, I just never liked it here and I’d just always felt out of place.
2012 was the beginning of a serious journey. Something needed to change. I’d finally found myself fed up with questioning who I truly was or what my purpose on this planet was and just feeling lost. I’d even gone back to therapy-I had 2 therapists! But they just weren’t working for me. I’d also been reading self-help books and listening to CD’s from great teachers and gurus just learning and learning and yet I wasn’t truly implementing all that knowledge in to my daily life-I was kind of all over the place, only slowly moving forward.
One particular day in October 2013, I would finally completely lose it. I was in such a deep mess of victimhood, being unforgiving, feeling sorry for myself, feeling trapped and worthless, that I finally broke down into a fetal position on the floor crying and calling out for help from any source that would listen.
By late October, I was filling out an online form for one on one coaching. Something about it felt VERY promising. Instantly I received a call back-talk about speed! The universe knew I was ready NOW and the caller said everything I needed to hear! I even told him I’d be one of their greatest success stories! I was READY for this!
But....then there was that one little issue. Oh dear. How would I come up with the money???
I called my bank! I called every place in my accumulated mail of offers for credit cards but none...NONE would give me any kind of loan-even with my great credit. (It actually slipped my mind that for any kind of loan, one needs to have what I like to call assets!) So after getting all revved up and excited about the future, I now was absolutely devastated. I felt so helpless that I just broke down and started to cry-like the out loud neighbors can hear, kind of cry!
Not minutes after feeling defeated, I finally phoned Achieve Today back and left my sobbing message that signing up with them wouldn't happen and that I mistakenly thought it would be so easy. I just couldn't get a hold of any money. I didn't even call my Husband because I wanted to do this all on my own-even with $0 money in the bank, I REALLY BELIEVED I could make this happen but it was killing me that I didn’t know how… I was sort of giving up but yet something in me was still determined.
I prayed to the Universe for help and it was only moments after that I got the call back that Achieve Today offering me a source that would possibly offer me a loan! Now mind you, the interest rate was incredibly high, but I actually got a loan and it was MY loan! MY responsibility! YES!
And there it happened. I was signed up and ready to go! And honestly, I really had no idea what to expect. I just knew it felt right. And soon I had an amazing one on one coach!
I spent the next year studying their modules, classes, and working weekly with my coach, finally making sense of things in my life. Colors around me were actually brighter through my awakening! I’d even called the coach support line just to share that!
So my MONEY MIRACLE in this journey: Money began flowing to me from all sorts of different resources. I’d become present and more in tune with the energy of money. I began finding gift cards for cash that I’d stuck in drawers, I’d find forgotten emergency cash in various purses and my piggy bank (big bills where in there!), to music placements, and of course from the garage sales I’d done with a friend, after purging what no longer served me in my home and life…My course with Achieve Today was paid off quickly, so no more high interest charges. THANK YOU UNIVERSE and thank you Achieve Today for your courses on money!
The Sundance Retreat
Meet your coaches! Meet Dr. Joe Vitale! Hang out at Robert Redford’s Sundance Resort! Accommodations and food included! Well, of course!
I heard about this retreat from my Coach and soon got my invitation from Achieve Today. When I saw the price, my first thought was, "What am I thinking!? This would be another expense that I have no funds for.” Yup, my limiting beliefs about money returned!
My coach turned my thoughts around and asked me that if I DID have the money, is it something I would want to do? I said, "Of course! Absolutely!" And so I started thinking about it and began getting all excited again. Somehow I was going to make this work! I told my Husband about it and he said I should do it. He was actually able to use our accumulated frequent flyer mile points for my air travel and I actually came in to more surprise money that would pay for the rest of the retreat!
Now here I was, August 2014 meeting all the wonderful coaches and teachers from the Achieve Today program! I got to tell each coach face to face how much their classes meant to me and how they had changed my lfe! And then ......Dr. Joe Vitale made his entrance!
We all got to meet Joe! He was very personable and patient with each and every one of us, especially with me and my pictures with him. “Uh…Joe, may I take just ONE MORE picture with you, pretty please?" (For real!)
I am also happy to share here that I found Joe to be a very kind, gentle and humble person. And funny that I really had no intention of meeting him or talking with him on how his books have helped me throughout my journey, but his loving energy was so open that I felt inspired to take the moment. And yes, I finally got that picture I wanted with him!
This retreat itself was filled with meditation, chairlift rides and hiking, live classes…Joe Vitale himself was one of the speakers of the weekend! Nice bonus! There was so much amazing energy and inspiration in that trip...it truly was one of the best things I've ever allowed myself to do!
And it all took place in one of those fabulous multimillion dollar cabin homes with a downstairs game and movie viewing room.
The funny thing about this is that when I first started getting into visualization with a site called Mindmovies.com a couple months before signing up with Achieve Today, I had actually created the very home I was in (here at the retreat). I'd collected pictures of dream rooms and put them to music and created a mind movie. I resonated with it at the time (I'm talking UBER expensive home from someone who was used to $0 in the bank!), and there I was after an amazing day of speakers in this insanely expensive home, and now kicking back in the screening room of my mind movie! Did I need any other proof that this visualization stuff was real?
This literally fell in to my lap! I am now studying with Achieve Today for my certification to be a coach! I've been practicing my services on friends of mine. And even though I didn't clearly see my purpose before, I know now that my purpose is finally materializing. I never truly knew the feeling that one felt from serving others and to finally find a soul purpose on this planet. Thank you Achieve Today and everyone who works for them. Thank you to all the coaches, especially Gil, my one on one coach. I am ever so grateful for the whole journey!
I’ve learned that following your heart is key. Not to worry about the “how” it will happen. It just does, when you are in the flow of your divine spirit. Releasing doubts and blocks have freed me to move forward and to follow my dreams!
I remember how scary it was thinking I would not be able to ever afford one on one coaching until I was connected with a company that would be a loan company for me. I used them for a little while, and then I came in to money! I am also grateful for thinking I couldn't afford the Joe Vitale Retreat (I think it was 2014) and low and behold, I've gone twice!
It's been an experience of so many miracles and too many to go in to for this testimonial so I'll keep it as short as I can!
Janeen taught me SO MUCH in her classes! Dan, as well! They gave exceptional presentations!
Gil, of course, was my coach and absolutely the best coach I could have ever asked for-thank you!
But because I came from the program of being a slow learner, I truly felt lost in the rest of the curriculum. I didn't quite get how it all worked so I just stuck with the live classes or replays, after the one on one coaching.
BUT THEN ANOTHER MIRACLE! When I signed up for the Joe Vitale Coaching Certification (Yea, someone who couldn't afford so many things along the way that suddenly COULD afford so much), I came in to money yet again and became a certified Joe Vitale/Achieve Today coach!
(I never got any of the bonuses that were supposed to come with the certification, though.)
Having that 2nd year of the Miracles Coaching curriculum gave me the extra year to catch up with what I didn't quite get the first year. Like...it just all worked out!
When the pre-iAchieveToday Community Coaching calls began, I was able to really get more of the core of all that I had been learning and soaking in. I needed to really understand it all on a deeper level.
When that year ran out, I paid monthly for Achieve Today and then I got in to iAchieveToday.
All of this seemed very timely for my particular growth but...short lived.
The reason I left is funny. I felt it was probably time to leave for a while. I LOVE those community calls but I think it was time for me to start taking more action with my life. A few things happened that steered me that way, but honestly, maybe I manifested the circumstances that kind of fazed me out. (We all know how that works!)
All in all, I've made friends for life in the Achieve Today program, I've had HUGE success in my personal growth and I even said to the person I originally signed up with in Fall 2013,
"I WILL be one of your greatest success stories!!!" I certainly FEEL like one!
I've definitely come VERY far. Thank you especially to Janeen, Gil, Gregory, Madeline, Dan, and the girl that is no longer there who I think moved to Canada (Keiya?) - I had one of the greatest clearings about Sun Transformation. -It was on a Dad issue I had that is no longer an issue! Another miracle!
I could go on forever here about so many things-so many favorite moments with each coach but if I do, this email may turn in to a book!
I would absolutely refer anyone and everyone to iAchieveToday. I can't promise everyone will get what I got, but it's certainly something that offers great change for the better to anyone looking for it! Each coach has a special "student following", that I find is SUPER important! Anyone and everyone can benefit!
Thank you again and again, to EVERYONE at Achieve Today, to whom I once considered to be my close family, I know we are still oneness of eternal light. The memories in this lifetime with you, I will cherish for years to come. I take my role in this world seriously and I'm now here to intentionally help others.
This bird has left the nest .... but flying high....and staying in the light!
Very sincerely,
Elsie Mychols